Pregnancy or Prenatal massages are adapted for the anatomical changes you go through during pregnancy. In a traditional massage, you might spend half the time lying face-down on your stomach (which is not possible with a baby belly) and half the time facing up (a position that puts pressure on a major blood vessel that can disrupt blood flow to your baby and leave you feeling nauseous).
But as your shape and posture changes, a trained massage therapist will make accommodations with special cushioning systems that allow you to lie down safely, while providing room for your growing belly and breasts. Or you might lie on your side with the support of pillows and cushions.
For centuries, ancient cultures have recognized the belly as a potent source of inner strength and wisdom where nutrition, bodily transmission, perceptions, sensations and emotions are assimilated, stored and processed.
When our abdominal is congested, the whole bodily energy path is blocked, slowly weakening the internal organs and its function, decreasing our vitality and life force.
Pregnancy massages are generally considered safe after the first trimester, as long as you get the green light from your practitioner and you let your massage therapist know you’re pregnant. But you’ll want to avoid massage during the first three months of pregnancy as it may trigger dizziness and add to morning sickness.
Despite myths you might have heard, there’s is no magic eject button that will accidentally disrupt your pregnancy, and there isn't much solid scientific proof that specific types of massage can have an effect one way or the other.
Some massage therapists avoid certain pressure points, including the one between the anklebone and heel, because of concern that it may trigger contractions, as this areas reflex to uterus and vagina. But the evidence on whether massage actually can kickstart labor is inconclusive (to nonexistent).
The practice also helps with detoxification, toning abdominal muscles and internal organs, releasing unprocessed emotional energy, relieve indigestion, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating and build up gas, menstrual cramps, pent up emotions and stress. The treatment is often used as an integral component of many detoxification programs.
If you are in the second half of your pregnancy (after the fourth month), don't lie on your back during your massage; the weight of your baby and uterus can compress blood vessels and reduce circulation to your placenta, creating more problems than any massage can cure.
And don’t expect deep tissue work on your legs during a prenatal massage. While gentle pressure is safe (and can feel heavenly!), pregnant women are particularly susceptible to blood clots, which deep massage work can dislodge. That, in turn, can be risky. On other body parts, the pressure can be firm and as deep or as gentle as you’d like. Always communicate with your therapist about what feels good — and if something starts to hurt.
Another thing to keep in mind: While any massage therapist can, theoretically, work on pregnant women, it’s best to go to a specialist who has a minimum of 16 hours of advanced training in maternal massage. (There’s no specific certification, so you should ask when you make your appointment.) This way, you can rest assured you’re in the hands of someone who knows exactly how to relieve any pain and pressure related to your changing anatomy.
Finally, always check with your practitioner before receiving a prenatal massage — particularly if you have diabetes, morning sickness, preeclampsia, high blood pressure, fever, a contagious virus, abdominal pain or bleeding — they’re complications that could make massage during pregnancy risky.
Improve sleep and blood circulations
Ease neck and back pain
Leg cramping
Swelling in your hands and feet (as long as that swelling isn't a result of preeclampsia)
Carpal tunnel pain
Headaches and sinus congestion