I aim to be transparent and honest so that you can make an informed decision before engaging with me; Penny - Thai Origin Massage.
Kindly read here before spending, so you know what you need to know on how I operate being a human.
There is enough information here about my background, work ethics, morals, values, attitudes, belief system, standards, practices, life experiences on about me page, and testimonials available on this website, to get to know me before spending your hard-earned money.
Please noted that my practice is a strong approaches, which may not suit those who prefer a light touch.
However, for individuals seeking a firm, gentle and long stroke massage, I provide a relaxation oil massage as well. But do not expect that you will get healed from physical pains with a lightly massage. That's just not enough to heal deep wounds, scar tissues, knots and stiffness issues.
I recommend a 45 minute session once a month if you want to maintain good blood flow and circulation, flexibility and mobility to up keep with your internal well-being.
For routine pain and bad postures from work conditions, you do not need to waste your money and time for an entire hour with me. A 30 minutes session for one pain area, is more than enough for me to work on. Do not waste your time and money unnecessary.
However, massage is not recommend for individuals with the following conditions:
Flu | Fever | Hypertension| Heart diseases| Open wound | Contagious diseases | Skin diseases | Bone diseases | Cancer | Nausea | High volume of blood lose or during heavy period.
Pregnancy massage in the first trimester should exercise cautiously.
I specialize in advanced Thai medical massages. But I also offer relaxation massage, pregnancy massage and more, from head to toes.
My practices solely go with the flow of how I feel once I touch your body. Someday you might need a strong approach to deal with stiffness and ongoing pain, to clear blockages in your vascular system while another day you may just need to increase oxytocin and serotonin volume, to calm your mental fatigue from work loads and toxic circumstances.
Either way, I can pick up your vibe when you walk into my office, and I will approach you upon that empiricism.
So don't expect me to offer the same approach every time you meet me. I don't do that same old, same old things every time we meet. It is non-productive and boring in my senses. I will adjust the techniques accordingly to your needs for the day or once I heard the story your share if you will.
What I am trying to do is unblocking the blockages along your blood flows or energy paths which usually takes 24 - 48 hours to finish the self-healing process, depending on the level of your lactic acid and cortisol clusters, mental and psychological health at play. So give time itself some time to do what it needs to do.
I am NOT a magician.
My practices are not a miracle approach where I can heal people in one single session from chronic pain and scar tissues you have kept within over times. Though that is my wish and goal I am expecting and continue learning and working on it through many healing forces all these years.
If you have chronic pain by accident for many years and have tried anything and everything but nothing seems to work that you want to try alternative approach, looking for the fifth, sixth, or tenth opinion. Your issues might require more than few visits. But usually, you will feel much better right after the first visit.
Just as a doctor prescribes medication to be taken regularly. Consistent effort and adjustments are necessary for lasting results.
During the session, you will feel some good pain while I'm working on the spot but the pain will gradually decrease after 10 -15 minutes. You will feel lighter and loosen up, that you can feel the difference right after the session is done.
After the first session is done, I recommend to give yourself an a good night sleep or two, to feel your bodily healing before booking another appointment.
Don't waste your money booking a second visit right after the first session. Wait and feel your internal healing first. Give them times to finish flushing bodily waste. Don't spend recklessly.
I can not tell you when you should come back to see me because I am not the one who feels the healing happening inside of you.
I can feel your pains | knots | stiffness | trigger points when I touch your body but I can not feel your inner healing or how good you feel after I touch you.
Each body reacts differently. I am not the one to tell you when and how many visits you need my practices. You are the one to tell me when you need healings.
It is your willingness to get healed by medications and synthetic pills or go alternative approach such as Thai massage to improve your blood circulations and energy flow that deal with the issue at its root causes.
There is no judging here which practice is better or worse. Some approach might be effective for several people, while others might not work well for many. Just like every aspects in life they say; there is no " one size fits all". A friend to all is a friend to none, so to speak.
It is your choice and willingness on how you would like to spend for your comforts and healings. It is not my place to judge nor convince.
If you would like to see me, just book appointment online if you will. Do not spend impulsively. Money doesn't grow on tree, metaphorically.
My practice aim to clear blockages along your vascular system, to bring back chemical balance, for your relief and good night sleep.
It is a preventive approach and also a recovering procedure after operations, to clear energy stagnant along your blood paths for better flows, and internal well-beings.
A practice which involves some pain and discomfort you might need to take. That there are also values, morals and awareness I bring to my role as a therapist and caregiver that if you trade with me long enough you will know why I am who I am today.
I tailor my techniques, knowledge and know-how to each individual's bodily need during the session once I touch your body. Hence, I might add up or switch up the techniques after hearing the story you share with me, knowingly which one could suit your situation better.
Though, my approach can clear lactic acid, cortisol build-up and chemical waste accumulated in your system over the years, while boosting up oxytocin and serotonin in your body. I cannot guarantee long-term results without your changes in lifestyle, bad postures and habits.
I know habits is a darn task to unwire the synapsis in our brain, that it takes 21 days to form a new wire to perform a new habit.
So be patient. Don't complain. Don't rush. Give your brain some time to wire a new wire.
It is your choice to suffer with old wiring, old habits for another years to come or forever. Or suffer 21 days doing something different for your new endeavors.
Focus, discipline and consistency are necessary for change behavior.
Like I said, I am not a magician. I can not change your brain wirings in one visit though I wish I could, so I can do more, serve more before my day has come or until I can no longer heal people.
As of now I can only try to fix your past pains and wounds, not the future ones. Wishing you to have a better sleep without pain and good mobility, so you can take care of your dependents being a care provider.
So please do not expect me to heal you once, then expecting that the issue will not re-occurred if you still operate with the same old habits or old wires, so to speak.
After over a decade of practicing Thai massage in Canada, dealing with thousands of people who transferred and imprinted their DNA between races, implanted different muscle memory on each others every where they go. Dealing with different habits, up-bringing, lifestyle, personality traits, backgrounds, cultures, belief systems, perceptions, attitudes, mind-set, social circles, histories and stories I have came across and been told to believe to be true.
I believe my honest intentions, work ethic, hard work and perseverance
speak for themselves at this point that I know for a fact I deserve more than what I ask for..